The 马尔科姆·鲍德里奇国家质量奖 is the nation’s highest presidential honor for performance excellence through innovation, 改进和有远见的领导.
Since 1988, 106个组织获得了以马尔科姆·鲍德里奇命名的奖项, 第26任商务部长. Congress created the award in 1987 to enhance the competitiveness and performance of U.S. businesses.
鲍德里奇帮助组织在竞争激烈的全球市场中取得成功. It is the only public-private partnership and Presidential award program dedicated to improving U.S. organizations. 与更大的鲍德里奇社区合作,鲍德里奇计划提供:
Recognitions |
参议员康宁承认澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区获得国家鲍德里奇奖 (May 28, 2019) 贝尔县专员法院授予澳门正规博彩十大排行平台荣誉 (May 22, 2019) |
Resources |
鲍德里奇审查员简报(PDF) |
The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program is a national public-private partnership run by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency of the U.S. 商务部.
The Baldrige Program educates organizations in performance excellence management and administers the 马尔科姆·鲍德里奇国家质量奖 the nation's highest Presidential honor for performance excellence through innovation, 改进和有远见的领导.
The Baldrige Program's main focus areas are to help organizations achieve best-in-class levels of performance; identify and recognize role-model organizations; identify and share best management practices, principles, and strategies.
- The Baldrige National Quality Award process enables us to evaluate our entire organization through a team of trained third-party examiners.
- We will receive a feedback report indicating the areas for us to continue to improve and accelerate our journey to excellence.
- Use of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Criteria correlates strongly with improved outcomes.
Consequently, we have assessed ourselves against the Baldrige Criteria as a way to obtain actionable feedback to accelerate our journey towards performance excellence.
They will identify the strengths they find as well as our opportunities for improvement. They will also identify exemplary areas that we could share as "best practices" with other organizations of higher education in the nation.
所有鲍德里奇奖申请人都将收到鲍德里奇审查员的详细反馈. The Baldrige反馈报告s often contain comments on as many as 100 areas of strength and opportunity. Surveys show that more than 90% of applicants use the received feedback in their strategic planning and decision making.
才有资格申请鲍德里奇奖, 组织必须在各自的州一级获得该奖项. The 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 DSO submitted an application for the Texas Award for Performance Excellence (TAPE) – led by the Quality Texas Foundation – in October 2015, 于2016年1月接受了实地考察,并于当年晚些时候被授予2016年度TAPE.
The award was the culmination of a nine-year journey and reflected the outstanding dedication of all DSO and college teams and the strong leadership of the Board of Trustees. TAPE recipients are selected based on the same performance criteria used at the national level for the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, 哪个机构颁发马尔科姆·鲍德里奇国家质量奖.
As a state awardee, the district was then eligible to submit its application for the 2018 马尔科姆·鲍德里奇国家质量奖 in April 2018. Demonstrating the relevance and value of the Baldrige Excellence Framework to organizations of multiple sizes and sectors, 每年有六个行业颁发一些奖项(制造业, service, small business, education, health care, 非营利组织)代表美国各主要地区.
AlamoADVISE在澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区顾问进行广泛的, 通过严格的培训获得他们的认证. They strive to be current on employment trends and skills needed in the workplace and figuring out roadmaps tailored to the individual needs of each student. |
AlamoINSTITUTES在澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区, we dare our students to dream with a purpose and start their journey in one of our six new Institutes. |
高中课程The five colleges in the 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 Family partner with more than 100 high schools to help over 13,每年有1000名学生获得成功. |